Treasure of Amber
Quick social media reel of a perfume product
This is a funny test for a Tiktok video which tells a story of a robber that is robbing a luxury brand handbag. The main idea is to grab attention with a controversial story packed in a short and impactfull video.
For the basic action, I filmed a walking shot where I walked towards a blank wall without any glass or mirror materials, so later it could be used flawlessly in the tracking software.
Next thing was to create fake armas in Blender and animate them going though the imaginary glass. This was pretty straightforward, I just used a ready to use model of a man and took just the arms and made a simple rig with it and animated it like if it was a first person camera shot with arms in front of the camera.
For the glass fracture I used Houdini, wich has ready to use tools for this kind of work. I used a standard fracture preset nodes to make the fractured glass form, then made a simple dynamics simulation with a hit of velocities in plain center of the glass, right where the hand was punching it.
The results were then exported in alembic and imported back to Blender. The rest was made in Blender and rendered in layers, to make the compsiting easier in DaVinci Resolve.